The Heritage Club has a National Constitution and a set of Bylaws covering the name, address, purpose, membership categories, Chapters and local Councils, officers, election and appointment of Officers, executive committee, its composition and duties, the annual meeting, administrative and fiscal years, amending formula and dissolution.
The Bylaws elaborate on the powers and duties of the officers and executive committee.
Chapters have their own Constitution and Bylaws covering similar information at the Chapter level.
Powers and duties of Officers and Executive Committee.
Revised September 2002
Section 1.
This Association shall be known as the Canada Post Corporation Heritage Club.
Section 2.
The principal office of the Heritage Club, unless otherwise stated, shall be the address of the National President.
Section 3.
The purpose of the Heritage Club shall be to provide a means of friendly association for members as defined in article 2; to foster among them a continuing fellowship and a spirit of mutual helpfulness; to exemplify and perpetuate those principals which have come to be regarded as the ideals and traditions of Canada Post; and participate in activities that are of service to the community, contribute to the progress of the Association and promote the happiness, well being and usefulness of the membership.
Revised June 2008
Section 1.
Any person employed by Canada Post Corporation and who has 25 years service with Canada Post shall be eligible for membership.
Section 2.
Canada Post employees, who retire with a minimum of ten years of service at Canada Post effective on the day following retirement, are eligible to become members following completion of a Heritage Club Membership Application Form.
Section 3.
Honorary membership may be granted to a person making a truly unusual or outstanding contribution to the Heritage Club or Canada Post, generally over an extended period of time. Such membership shall not be conferred upon anyone who could otherwise attain membership eligibility. Honorary membership must be recommended by the Chapter Executive Committee. In future, automatic honorary membership in the Heritage Club will be bestowed on the President and CEO of Canada Post. Honorary members do not have the right to vote or hold Office but are entitled to all other membership privileges.
Section 4.
Associate membership shall be granted to the spouse of any active or deceased Member showing interest in the Heritage Club on payments of Heritage Club Annual Dues.
Each Chapter shall have the right to determine what administration status, rights and privileges it grants to its associate member, except for the position of President or delegate to the National meeting.
Associate Members shall not be included in the total membership for seed money.
Revised January 2019
Section 5.
The term member and membership as used in the context of article 2, refers to any eligible applicants who had become members prior to establishment of Chapter dues.
Active members are those who have paid their annual dues to the Chapter. This will make them eligible to receive all communications from their chapter and also be entitled to discounts that may arise.
New membership certificates and member cards will be sent to the appropriate chapter on a regular basis. The certificate may be presented to the new member, but the membership card is to be retained until the chapter dues are received.
All new applicants must join the chapter in their area to be active members.
If they wish to receive communication from other chapters they can apply and become associate members of that chapter.
A member may request to transfer to another chapter without having to physically relocate to the area that chapter covers.
Revised September 2019
Section 1.
The Heritage Club membership shall be grouped into Chapters. A Chapter composed of a group of members may be established in any location in Canada on application to National Executive committee for subsequent approval by the Manager Recognition programs and strategy.
Section 2.
A Chapter may establish local councils within the Chapters’ jurisdiction, following approval of the National Executive.
Section 3.
Any Chapter who elects not to follow the National Constitution and bylaws will be placed in receivership by the National Executive Committee.
Section 4.
In those instances where a Chapter or National Executive Member is unable or unwilling to perform the duties of their elected position, a submission in writing is to be forwarded to the Heritage Club’s National President for review and action by the National Executive.
Revised September 2002
Section 1.
The Officers of the Association shall be a President, a first Vice-President, a second Vice-President, a third Vice-President and a Secretary-Treasurer…
Also included is the past president without voting rights.
Section 2.
The terms of the above shall be for two years.
Revised 2010
Section 1.
The officers of the National Executive shall be elected by and from the approved delegates to the annual meeting. The approved delegate is the duly elected president of the chapter.
In the event that the approved delegate is unable to attend, an alternate may be appointed to attend on behalf of the approved delegate.
Notwithstanding the above, and subject to the approval of the nominating committee, the approved delegate will not be restricted from being nominated (if an emergency situation prevents his/her attendance).
Even years, elect President, 2nd Vice-President .Odd year, elect
1st Vice-President, Secretary Treasurer, and 3rd Vice-president.
Revised June 2017
Section 2.
Newly elected Executive Members will take office the first day of the month following the election. The period in between the election and the first day of the month following will be used to ensure an orderly transition. The requirement will also be applicable to all elected Heritage Club positions, National and Chapter.
.Section 3.
Be it resolved that in the event of a vacancy occurring in an Executive Member position, the National President shall appoint a replacement to the position until the next AGM.
Revised June 2008
Section 1.
The Officers mentioned in Article 4 shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Association. The President shall act as chairperson. Three members shall constitute a quorum of the committee.
Section 2.
The Executive Committee shall control and administer the total annual Heritage Club budget. It will become the jurisdiction of the National Executive through our National Secretary Treasurer.
The Executive Committee shall be the governing body of the Association with power: to fill vacancies in the National Office or on special committees when they occur.
Section 3.
The Executive Committee will liaise with the Corporation through the representative appointed by the corporation for this purpose.
Section 4.
The Executive Committee shall be the governing body of the association with power: to fill vacancies in the National Office or on special committees when they occur.
Section 5.
The Executive Committee may recommend changes to the constitution and bylaws necessitated by changes of address of the principal office of the Association; all changes necessitated by the establishment of new chapters and such other changes as may be required for clarification, but in no case shall the intent and meaning of the provisions of the constitution and bylaws be changed except as provided in bylaws.
The Executive Committee shall maintain frequent contacts with the Chapters, advise the Chapters regarding activities, represent the Chapters on the Association Executive Committee and represent the Executive Committee in relations with the Chapters.
Section 6.
The Secretary Treasurer shall: have custody of all records and funds of the Association; give notice of meetings to the members of the Committee; attend all meetings; keep a true record of proceedings at such meetings. Shall control and administer the total annual Heritage Club budget. It will become the jurisdiction of the National Executive through our National Secretary Treasurer.
Section 7.
Beginning in 2008, the National Executive will be required to have an annual internal review of their financial records conducted by someone other than a National Executive Member. Also beginning in 2008, all Chapters will be required to have a financial review conducted of their Chapter financial records, & to be conducted by someone other than a Chapter Executive member. Such review will be undertaken prior to a Chapter Annual Meeting. A copy of the reviewing officers’ report is to be forwarded to the Heritage Club National secretary treasurer. Should the office of the treasurer become vacant prior to a term of office expiring, a similar review will be conducted.
Section 8.
The National Executive and the Chapters are required to retain the most recent 7 years of financial records.
Revised June 2009
Section 1.
The annual meeting shall be the legislative body of the Association. It shall consist of the chapter president (or delegate) from each chapter and the National Executive. The delegate will only be recognized with the absence of the Chapter President.
Section 2.
The annual meeting is empowered to elect the officers and to legislate for the welfare of the Association.
Section 3.
Suggestions for new legislation shall be presented to the Executive Committee for consideration and review before being submitted to the annual meeting for action.
Section 4.
The annual meeting shall meet at the call of the Executive Committee following consultation with the appointed Corporate Representative.
Section 5.
A quorum at any annual meeting shall consist of a 51% majority of the eligible delegates.
Section 6.
All such meetings will be conducted in accordance with the “Roberts Rules of Order”.
Section 7.
Chapter annual meeting shall be opened to all members of the chapter only dues paying members may stand for election and vote.
Revised June 2012
Section 1.
The administrative year of the Association shall commence on January 1st of each succeeding year.
Section 2.
At the discretion of the Chapters, each regular member shall pay to the Chapter such applicable fee, membership dues and other fees as are prescribed by the Chapter. Dues shall be paid annually. No other assessment shall be levied for membership. The funds of the Chapter and of a council are derived from that portion of the annual membership dues and of application and other fees apportioned by the Chapter, from the proceeds of entertainment and similar undertakings, from donations, and from other sources as may be approved by the executive of the Chapter.
Revised September 2002
This constitution and bylaws may be amended at any annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of the eligible members present and voting provided notice of the proposed action has been sent to the National Executive Committee at least thirty days prior to the date of the meeting so that the proposed changes be forwarded to the Chapter executive prior to the holding of the annual meeting.
Revised June 2019
Section 1.
Upon the probable dissolution of a chapter of the Heritage Club, the chapter will:
Revised May 2024
Section 1.
The President shall: preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and of the annual meeting; have authority to call meetings of the Executive Committee; be empowered to appoint committees as provided by the Executive Committee; and be a member ex-officio of all committees. The President shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or may be delegated by the Executive Committee.
An election may be called by mail within 2 months, if the office of the President will be vacant for more than one year, for the remainder of the term.
Section 2.
The First Vice-President shall assist the President in the discharge of the duties of that office. In the absence or disability of the President, the First Vice-President shall have all the powers to perform all the duties of the President as long as such absence or disability continues. In such circumstances, if it appears that the office of President will be vacant for the remainder of the term, the First Vice-President may be appointed President by the Executive Committee for the un-expired portion of the term.