Terra Nova

Minutes September 2020

Postal Employees 25 Year Club

(A Council of the Terra Nova Chapter Heritage Club)

Minutes of meeting held at the Royal Canadian Legion, Blackmarsh Rd. on September 30th, 2020.

The meeting came to order at 7:20pm and the minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by John O’Toole and seconded by Gerard Knight.

The following were in attendance:

E. Holmes          G. Knight          W. Murphy          R. Wells

E. Howlett          T. Mc Carthy     J. O’Toole         


Adrian Angel and Jim Flynn.

We wish both of them a speedy recovery.


Don Croft – husband of Louise;   Ed Lambert;   

Keith Mullett – brother of Bob;    Ron Ryan;

Ralph Westcott – Father of Paul.

A moment of silence was held in their honor and our sincere condolences go out to all those concerned.


Paulette Mary Walsh.

We wish her a happy and healthy retirement.


El Holmes stated our bank balance at the end of September.  The report was accepted on a motion by El and seconded by John O’Toole.


Due to the Coronavirus, the election of officers for the Heritage Club,  slated for May, was cancelled, and will now be held in the Spring at a date to be announced.

Other cancellations are –  the October dinner meeting and the Christmas luncheon at Clovelly.

The Club was informed that the Janeway Telethon would no longer require our services due to the fact that most of their donations are being received  electronically.

Please note.    Due to Covid19 there will be no further meetings until               

                        after the new year. (To be announced).

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:50pm on a motion by Gerard Knight.