Thankfully public health restrictions have been lifted and we begin cautiously to strive to near normal life again. Hopefully you all have been fully vaccinated as it’s the best defence against a possible fourth wave. Some are still uncomfortable in public gatherings to which we understand and respect. I trust this newsletter will offer some encouragement as we attempt to slowly get back to chapter business beginning with our annual Banquet. It’s happening very soon so please read the enclosed notice and send your reply now. Take care everyone.
Annual Meeting finally took place after months of delays on August 21, where 33 members enjoyed a delicious catered meal before settling in to business and elections. Your President, rather discouraged, gave his report personally appealing for executive vacant positions to be filled as well as more interest, participation and enthusiasm needed towards our Chapter’s mission. Elections then took place and sadly we learned that Betty Jackson was stepping down as Secretary. Nominations for the vacant vice-president positions were none. Carol-Ellen Crozier-Smith was elected Secretary and Mervin Palka was re-elected as 3rd Vice-President. Betty was thanked for the great work she put in as Secretary. The subject of support towards the Canada Post Community Foundation was introduced. Due to the lack of help and poor attendance at our monthly coffee socials it was agreed there would be no more for the exception of our annual visit to the Floral Conservatory. Concerns that we were planning future activities too quickly due to the covid conditions bought the meeting to a close.
Membership: Many thanks to those who have sent in their dues, as these are so instrumental in keeping our Chapter’s mission affluent. A few still have not responded and should send them, Payable to Golden Sheaf Chapter, to Carol-Ellen Crozier-Smith #302 – 2536 Parliament Ave. Regina SK S4S 4H1.
We wish Herb Evans a safe and steady recovery from a heart attack
Condolences were sent to Garry Jackson whose brother passed away.
Sadly we report the following deceased members: Clair Parrott, Stephan Repka,
Ron Fiessel, and Phyliss Conger
NB: Please remember to phone Bernice Glover (306-525-5914) if you hear of anyone sick or has passed away, so cards can be sent
Congratulations on recent wedding anniversaries to Ken and Lorna MacKenzie (50th )
Bob and Marion Kelly(64th ) and Joe and Florence Manz (40th )
John Nikulak received a certificate of appreciation reaching a milestone with 10,000 hours of volunteering in less than 10 years..
Welcome to newly active member Vernon Buhler.
Mark your calendar:
1. September 25 – Annual Banquet.
2. November 20 – Christmas Party
Alzheimer’s Society of Sask has sent their thanks to our Chapter’s team (The Golden Sheafers) that again took part in the virtual walk/fundraiser in May. We raised $580 thanks to those who donated on-line or sent personal cheques. Our continued support helped the society with their commitment to provide many services to those living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia and the family members who care for them. Many of our members suffered from this disease making it worthy of our support.
CANADA POST COMMUNITY FOUNDATION has a vision to ensure every child in Canada is happy, healthy and is surrounded by a community that supports and cares for them. The Foundation has a simple mission to make a positive impact in the lives of children and youth in the communities Canada Post serves by supporting registered charities, school programs or local initiatives that benefit children and youth.
Since 2013, the Foundation has granted over $11 million to more than 1000 projects across Canada. Grants fund mentoring programs, literacy and language programs, arts and recreation projects, childhood health, anti bullying initiatives and more. In 2021, 100 organizations delivering essential programs for children and youth shared more than $1.2 million in funding from the Foundation.
All across Canada, these organizations benefited from the support and generosity of Canadians who donated funds to the Foundation in 2020 through our in-store campaign, special Foundation stamps, employee deductions and local fundraisers.
The Foundation is a registered charity operated at arms-length from Canada Post, with an independent board of trustees and publicly available, audited financial statements.
Here’s how you can help;
_ visit online and select “Donate Now”. or
_ Donate by mail sending a cheque payable to Canada Post Foundation to their address Box 90007 Ottawa ON K1V 1J8
_ Buy a booklet of the Foundation fundraising stamps and one dollar from the purchase of each booklet goes directly to the Foundation.
Golden Sheaf Executive:
President – Conway Crozier-Smith 3810 Robinson St. #101 Regina SK S4S 3C6 306-586-2704
1st Vice -President – vacant
2ndVice-President – vacant
3rd Vice President – Mervin Palka 2311 Windsor Park Rd.#101 Regina SK S4V 1S2 306-522-9319
Secretary – Carol-Ellen Crozier-Smith 2536 Parliament Ave.#302 Regina SK S4S 4H1 306-585-2318
Treasurer – Elffie Zimmer Box 693 Regina Beach SK S0G 4C9 306-729-2486
Member at large – George Totten 35 Spiess Bay Regina SK S4R 7N9 306-545-0089
Past President – Laird Wilson – 127 Merlin Cres. Regina SK S4R 3E6 306-543-0739
Heritage Club Website